In this field study, you will work with a mood tracker application. The app is provided by us and can be installed on your smartphone. The app records your mood entry value as it promotes questions and would determine which kind of mood measures are more effective, efficient and would bring a higher user satisfaction.
For a successful participation in the study, you will be asked to install and use the app in your daily life and to answer the questions that the app asks you truthfully. The installation starts with the option to answer a short series of questions to determine your preferences and then at the end of the study period, you will be asked to fill out an online questionnaire. The link to the online questionnaire will be sent to you by email and may be accessed also via the application.
The study aims to improve the collection methods and analysis of mood data with the goal of improving overall well-being and promote mental health. With your participation, you help us to gain insights on interactive user-oriented approaches to track individual’s mood.